Tuesday, January 31, 2012

About my "pet" children...

As I mentioned before, I have a Beuford and I have a Madilyn. Because he is older, Beuford gets to go first.

Beufords Stats:
Name: Beuford Wilson Price
Age: 4 Years Young, Born December
Favorite Things: Squeaky Toys, Hand Towels, (to him they are slobber collector mouth towels), his kitty, eating anything but especially pepperoni and ice cream, (specifically frozen paws doggy ice cream) going for short walks, seeing his favorite people Sherry and Jayden, sleeping in a bed or on the couch, and last but certainly not least pooping on the floor.
Pet Peeves: Being left outside longer than the 30 seconds he needs to use the bathroom, not being fed every time he comes in from going potty, when we yell at him to go get his towel, when he gets his towel and we take it from him to wipe his slobber off our clothes, chair, book, computer, etc., when we catch him loving on his kitten, when he is not invited to bed, when we go see Sherry without bringing him and last but certainly not least when we dare to invite intruders (aka friends and family) over to the house.
Criminal Record: He has been ticketed twice for sneaking out of the yard, the second time he chased down an elderly lady and her Pomeranian for getting too close to the yard. I don't blame him for wanting the Pom out of our yard and I take full responsibility for that one since he probably heard to expressing m\y disgust of those poopy butt yappy dogs once our twice in his life. I should really be more careful when breed profiling other dogs in front of him. The third time he got out he had packed his bags and ran away from home. He was rebelling against us for being too strict we not only did not allow him to poop in front of the TV without a firm talking to and time out but we also had to begin spanking him for biting people. When it escalated to corporal punishment he was outta there. No one spanks Beuford and gets away with it. So he left. The cops chased him around town and up and down a main road and bridge before giving up. We searched everywhere for him, we had assumed he was on his way to another town and a new life, quite possibly as a horse in a traveling circus. At 200 lbs he was a convincing horse. We accepted that he was not coming home four days later after a Facebook and newspaper campaign that can only be compared to the social media campaign of Obama's election campaign. I cried, we went to bed with heavy hearts and that next morning I went out to start my car and there he was. Whimpering at our doorstep. He hobbled into the living room and I collapsed onto him both expressing my love and anger at what he put us through.
 Why we love him: He hasn't shown any interest in pooping on the floor, except for one long night while we were away at a basketball game, but at least it was on the laminate flooring, and he hasn't bit anyone or tried to get out since. He went from a naughty dog to a grateful dog and all it took was four nights of cold, hunger, blistered feet, and shattered circus dreams. If you have naughty children it probably works the exact same. So now we have a sweet slobbery puppy that we love. He is still a firstborn, which means he is a natural leader. He tends to be reliable, conscientious and a perfectionist who doesn't like surprises. Although, firstborns are typically aggressive, many are also compliant people pleasers. They are model children who have a strong need for approval from anyone in charge. And that is Beuford.

Then there is the baby of the family. She was adopted into our family a year ago in January.  Madilyns Stats:
Name: Madilyn Elayne Jackson-Price
Age: 1 year adopted, approx. 1.5 years old
Favorite Things: Her dog Beuford, Cody's lap, anything with feathers, sitting in the windowsill, drinking out of peoples glasses especially wine and ice water, Temptations cat nip flavor treats, sharpening her claws, small doses of the backyard including eating grass, attacking me when I least expect it, walking through peoples legs when they are walking on the stairs, being home.

Her Pet Peeves: Being left outside overnight, when Beuford refuses to acknowledge that she exists when he thinks we are watching, when we push her off the table or away from our newly filled up glass, when we kick her from her post at the foot of the bed while we are sleeping, when we try to type or write when she is trying to cuddle (usually on top of the computer or book), when she gets stepped on or kicked when she is walking with (under) us, when she gets locked in a bedroom and has to tear the carpet up to get our attention so we can let her out,when she has to yell at us for forgetting to give her treats every time we walk into the kitchen or dining room and last but probably number one when we dare to let intruders (ie. friends and family) into our home. (I'm not sure where she gets that from... hmmm...)

Why we love her: Madilyn is a goof ball. She is the kinda cat that pretend attacks our giant dog and curls up with him for naps. She is sweet as can be although she doesn't allow anyone else outside of the home know that she even exists. She makes us laugh all the time by sneak attacks and falling asleep in the weirdest places and positions. She completes our little family for now.

 They may be pets but they are our family. They make us annoyed and sometimes angry but most the time they just make us happy. Like I said, my pet "children".

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